
New Hair.

blazer; River Island 
Hello! I dyed my hair again. My lovely friend Eva came over and together we dyed it. We were both a bit nervous since we both had never dyed hair. The last time my hair was dyed by someone with a lot of experience. But even tough we didn't have any experience, it looks good. This color is really close to my own color, so I'll probably won't have to dye my hair for a long time. What do you think of my new color? Oh and by the way, I'm going to the hairdresser this Friday and I actually want something new, but I don't know what. Bangs? Short? Or keep it long? If you have any suggestions, please tell me! (:
Have a lovely evening!


  1. Haha, wat toevallig!
    Ik heb namelijk afgelopen zaterdag mijn haar ook weer geverfd.
    Tot vrijdag,

  2. Mooi kleurtje Eveline! Staat je heel goed! Ik zie je vrijdag, xxxxxxxxxx <3

  3. leuke blog heb je, ik volg je!


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